Friday, May 24, 2024

Frogtastic Fireflies Card!

 Greetings everyone! It's me again, Jessie Scott (@chevy.scott on IG) here to share a fun light up card with Gerda Steiner Designs products!

Today I have another fun collaboration with Pear Blossom Press products to share. I needed a summer swap for a card swap group I am in and the GSD Frogs stamp set gave me a fun idea for a bayou sunset with fireflies.

For the background, I used Villainous Potion, Uncharted Mariner, and Black Soot Distress Oxide Ink. For the fun look behind the fireflies I spritzed water and then splattered with gold Kuretake watercolor. 

Quick ink blending video here:

Did you realize yet that the GSD Frogs stamp set actually only has FLIES? not FIREFLIES? :-)
It's really easy to stretch your stamps by using a fineliner/multiliner pen to add extra features to a stamp. I just needed to add a little "bulb" bum to the flies and viola! FIREFLIES!

Last but not least.... COLORING! I used my OLO Markers to color these cuties. Here's a fun coloring video I made, including the frog on his lily pad. 


For more details on how to light up this card, head on over to my blog today for the companion post! I also have a full video linked there today if you want to see how to make this card in its entirety. 

Here's the finished project!

See you again soon!

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