Monday, May 27, 2024

So grateful for you by Noga Shefer

Hi crafty friends,  Noga  here and I am so happy to share with you another project for Gerda Steiner Designs today.

My card featuring the brand new adorable  Little Things Clear Stamp Set .

To make this card I took a piece of bristol smooth cardstock and cut a slimline card.

I ink blended a background using distress oxide in stormy sky with cloud stencil.

Next I colored the sweet images using copic markers: T6, T5, T4, T2, T1, T0, RV11, R0000, R56, E13, E30.

Than I glued them to my panel and stamped a greeting  using black ink.

I hope you enjoy the card I created and feel inspired to create!

Thanks for stopping by,

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Enjoy the ride


Hi Everyone!  Just passing by to share this card with the adorable new set "Enjoy the ride".

To create this card I used the masking technique to stamp the puppies and car on one sheet.  I started by stamping the puppies on a piece of watercolor paper (I used Tim Holtz distress watercolor paper).  Next I used some 'not too sticky' washi tape I had laying around to loosely cover up the puppies where I didn't want the lines from the car image to stamp.  Alternatively, you could stamp the puppies on some scrap paper, cut them out and lay the cutout over the stamped puppies.

Next I lined up where I wanted the car window to be with the puppy's paws and stamped this over the washi tape.  I carefully removed the washi tape (watch out for wet ink over the washi tape if using this as the mask) and then realized I covered up too much of the puppies and had to draw in part of the window (after all, it is a journey right?).

To color the puppies, I used Derwent Inktense and a water brush.  Once this dried, I used a Misti to position the top and bottom sentiments from the 'Enjoy the ride' set and stamped these.  

I used the scalloped rectangle from Unity Stamp Co to cut out the image and glued this to an A2 dark grey card base.  Lastly, I finished by gluing some sequins to the card.

Hopefully part of your journey includes creating some cute cards with these two puppies.  Enjoy the journey!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Frogtastic Fireflies Card!

 Greetings everyone! It's me again, Jessie Scott (@chevy.scott on IG) here to share a fun light up card with Gerda Steiner Designs products!

Today I have another fun collaboration with Pear Blossom Press products to share. I needed a summer swap for a card swap group I am in and the GSD Frogs stamp set gave me a fun idea for a bayou sunset with fireflies.

For the background, I used Villainous Potion, Uncharted Mariner, and Black Soot Distress Oxide Ink. For the fun look behind the fireflies I spritzed water and then splattered with gold Kuretake watercolor. 

Quick ink blending video here:

Did you realize yet that the GSD Frogs stamp set actually only has FLIES? not FIREFLIES? :-)
It's really easy to stretch your stamps by using a fineliner/multiliner pen to add extra features to a stamp. I just needed to add a little "bulb" bum to the flies and viola! FIREFLIES!

Last but not least.... COLORING! I used my OLO Markers to color these cuties. Here's a fun coloring video I made, including the frog on his lily pad. 


For more details on how to light up this card, head on over to my blog today for the companion post! I also have a full video linked there today if you want to see how to make this card in its entirety. 

Here's the finished project!

See you again soon!

Car Rides are PAWSOME!!

 Today the puppies and I are heading out for another ride, this time to the country.  I live just outside DC and we have just come through cherry blossom and azalea season, so I was inspired to add a touch of spring to this outing with Gerda Steiner Designs “Enjoy The Ride Puppies” stamp set.

These puppies remind us that every day is a gift and we need to make time for a little fun!!

As with my earlier post I wanted to make sure the puppies could truly hang out of the window to catch the breeze, so I fussy cut the window out of the car door. I also stamped just the rolled down window part of the stamp on vellum using StazOn Jet Black ink (I discovered StazOn was a must so that the ink didn’t smear), fussy cut it out and attached it behind the window frame.  Puppies were also fussy cut and I stamped an extra set of paws for the second puppy so he could hang onto the window.

I used distress inks and cloud and grass stencils to fill in the background and copics to color the puppies and car:

Puppy 1:  E37 E15 E13 R14 R43 R32 R30

Puppy 2:  E34 E33 E31 R32 R30

Sunglasses:  C8 C6 C4 and then added some Glossy Accents to the glasses

Car:  FBG2 BG02 B02 B01 C3 C1

I’m pawsitive you’ll enjoy playing with these puppies as much as I do.

Life truly is a gift~be sure to take time and have some fun!!

Enjoy ~ Debbie Throckmorton

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Enjoy the beach

 Hello lovelies,

Today it's my turn once again to present you a card of mine.

Since I long for sun, sea and beach so much, I took the “Catch a Wave” set and created a scene from it.  The text comes from the “Melon Muncher” set.

It would really be too nice to go for a walk on the beach now. But unfortunately I live far away from the sea and the beach and it's anything but summer weather here at the moment. Yesterday there was even a real storm with hail. Typical Germany. 

I colored the images with Copics, the backgrounds are wiped with Distress Oxides.
The background is one-layering, but the duck, the sun and the sentiment I put on the card with spacer tape.

I hope you have a wonderful day and I'm delighted that you stopped by.  And if you feel like it, feel free to follow me on Instagram.

Yours, Nicole F./kimba-slydog

Friday, May 17, 2024

Cityscape with my favorite mates. . .Puppies!!

I’m pawsitively delighted to share a new stamp set from Gerda Steiner Designs. . .”Enjoy The Ride Puppies.”  We can all learn a lesson from our four-legged friends about enjoying the little things in life, like rolling down the window and letting the breeze hit our face.

Today the puppies are enjoying a ride through the city, taking in the scene and hoping the destination is the dog park.

I combined the puppies and their car ride with the GSD “Skyline” stamp set.  To allow the puppies to stick their head out of the window, I fussy cut the window out of the car door. I also stamped just the rolled down window part of the stamp on vellum using StazOn Jet Black ink (I discovered StazOn was a must so that the ink didn’t smear), fussy cut it out and attached it behind the window frame.  Puppies were also fussy cut and I stamped an extra set of paws for the second puppy so he could hang onto the window.

I used distress ink (any blue will do) and a cloud stencil for the background and copics to color the puppies, car and buildings:

Puppy 1:  E37 E15 E13 R14 R43 R32 R30

Puppy 2:  E34 E33 E31 R32 R30

Sunglasses:  C8 C6 C4 and then added some Glossy Accents to the glasses

Car:  R29 R27 R35 C3 C1

Buildings:  T3-T7, E99 E97 E95 E53 E50 E37 E29 E09 E08 E01 B01

Be like these puppies and remember “Life is a journey, enjoy the ride!!”

Enjoy ~ Debbie Throckmorton

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I love you more than pie........

 Hello dear creative friends,

after a long break, I'm pleased to show you something of mine again.

Even though I like the collage cards, I wanted to stamp a scene again. I used 4 sets from Gerda Steiner Designs for this. The cute cat and the cute dog are from the “On the table” set. Aren't they just so cute how they long for the cake? 

The little bear with the cake is from the “More than pie” set.

I stamped the fence 3 times next to each other. It comes from the “Hoppiness” set and the “Happy Birthday” comes from the “Happy Hoppy” set. 

I think it's great that you can combine so many sets with each other.

As always, I colored with Copics.

The cat with W7, W5, W3, W1, RV21, R20 and G40.

The dog with E49, E47, E44, E43, E42, E40, B00 and R20.

The fence with E30, E35, E47 and E49.

The bear with E35, E55, E31, BG93, E70, E74, E77, E79 and R20.

Accents are set with the Sakura Gelly Roll 10.

The sky was wiped with Distress Oxides in broken china and tumbled glass.

I hope I was able to put a little smile on your face with this card and send my best wishes from a finally sunny Germany.

Yours, Nicole

If you like, feel free to visit me on Instagram. I would be very happy about your visit.